Hello and welcome to our newest and most exciting school fundraising idea yet!

What’s so different about it?
It is a fundraiser that offers you the opportunity to win a cash prize while helping the school raise funds for our new building.

How do you participate in the draw?
The draw will cost €10 per month. Payment is made by Standing Order. Standing Order application is supplied with this letter or if you bank online you can set up a new standing order yourself. You can join or opt out at any stage. The number of draws per year will depend on the number of people who participate in the draw.

e.g. There are 150 families in the school

  • 100 or more people join, there’d be a draw every month,
  • 50-99 people join, there’d be a draw every 2 months
  • 49 or less join, the draw would only be every 3-4 months.

The aim would be to hopefully have enough people joining to have a draw every month.

How does the draw work?
A special bank account has been set up and your Standing Order will go into this account, once the account hits €1000 a draw will take place, €500 will be given out in prizes and the balance in the account will go into the building fund.

  • If 150 people join then €1500 would go into the account every month, €500 goes out in prizes and €1000 goes into building fund.
  • If 125 people join €1250 would go into the account, €500 goes out in prizes and €750 goes into building fund etc.

Who can participate in the draw?
The draw will be open to Glebe staff, parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles of children currently attending the Glebe. YOU MUST BE OVER 18 TO PARTICIPATE.

When will the draw start?
We would like to start the draws in February. We have been granted our lottery Licence by the court already. We have enclosed a Standing Order mandate with this letter, if you would like to participate in the draw please fill out the Standing Order mandate and give it to your bank by 22th January 2013. Alternatively if you bank online you can set up the standing order yourself, please have payment on 1st day of the month. If other members of your family would like to participate you may copy the Standing Order mandate for them. If you have any questions or queries feel free to email us, glebeschooldraw@gmail.com. We’re really looking forward to this very exciting new fundraising initiative; we believe it will be a great addition to our fundraising activities. The draw will take place at the school under strict supervision.