Extra Information About our School
The School Day:
The school day begins at 9.00am and finishes at 2.45pm.
Children in Junior and Senior Infants go home at 1.45pm.
Morning Break: 11.00am. – 11.15am.
Lunch Break: 1.00pm. – 1.30pm.
Punctuality and Attendance:
Please bring your child to school on time each day. Lateness causes disruption. We ask that you are on time picking up your child daily. Infant Teachers have other duties to perform and small children’s trust is shattered if they are left waiting when every other child has been collected.
Safety Underpins Everything:
The corridors are narrow and cannot accommodate the large volume of traffic that would be involved if all parents / guardians, who accompany their children to school, came inside with their children. In the interests of safety and the fostering of independence children are encouraged to say ‘Good bye’ to their parents /guardians in the school yard. They know their own classroom and are expected to take responsibility for their own coats, bags and lunches, etc. Please name / label all belongings e.g. clothes, lunchboxes and drink bottles. Junior Infants may be accompanied by a parent/guardian for their first week.
Going Home Early:
A signed written consent is necessary if a child has to leave the school during the day. We would urge you not to collect your child early, as it eats into their learning time.
Adults collecting children early are asked to call to the office.
Access to School:
In the interest of the children’s safety and security we would ask that you call to the office if you need to collect your child or if you have something to drop off to them.
Stop, Drop and Go System:
Parking outside the school gate is not permitted between 8.45 am and 9.30am. (except for Staff Parking). We encourage all parents who are dropping their children off to school to drive up Church Hill from Wentworth Place or Church Street and to pull in parallel to the school and drop off their child / children and to continue on down towards Station Road – operating a ‘One Way System’.
Emergency Closing:
The safety of the children is of primary importance at all times. Should an emergency closing be appropriate (e.g. in the event of no heat, snow etc.) the decision to close the school will be taken by The Board of Management at the earliest possible time so as to maximise notice to Parents/Guardians.
We ask that you ensure the school always has an up-to-date and immediate contact number for you.
Children walking to school alone should always be aware of the person whom they should contact in the event that Parents/Guardians may be gone to work.
If an emergency closing arises in the morning, before school starts, Parents/Guardians will be informed of this at the school gates. We would ask therefore that you never drop your child without first satisfying that the school is open.
Text Messages will be sent to parents as reminders of early closing etc.
Healthy Lunch Policy:
The successful introduction, implementation and maintenance of Our Healthy Lunch Policy depends on a whole school initiative – children, parents and school staff.
- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: Healthy Lunch
- Friday: Healthy Lunch plus one treat.
Healthy Lunch – (options)
Sandwiches, rolls, crackers, cheese, pasta, salad, fruit, popcorn, yoghurts, (petit filous – for infants, no frubes).
No crisps, bars, biscuits, sweets, cakes, chocolate or fizzy drinks. (Monday – Thursday)
One treat is allowed on Friday – One bar or cake etc.
No crisps of fizzy drinks allowed Monday – Friday. Don’t forget water is the best drink of all for children, parents and teachers.
Note: In order that you know what your child has eaten, each child brings home the remains of their lunch box.
We encourage the children to take responsibility for their environment and to be litter conscious. This is a great help in keeping their school tidy. We are working towards heightening a sense of respect towards the environment. The Glebe School has just successfully achieved their first Green Flag by encouraging all pupils to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
It is the policy of the school not to administer any medications to children unless we have written permission. The school will be happy to facilitate Parents / Guardians needing to give medication to their child.
Children Unwell in School:
When the Principal feels that a child is not well enough for school either as a result of becoming sick or an accident the Parents/Guardians will be contacted immediately.
If your address or phone number changes please notify the school so we can amend our records.
Do Not Send a Sick Child to School:
If your child is too sick to go to the school yard he / she is too sick to come to school.
Exceptions are made in the case of ongoing or chronic illness and limb injuries. Otherwise all children are expected to go to the yard as it is a vital part of social interaction.
Head Lice:
Head lice are regular visitors in all schools! So check your child’s hair regularly (i.e. at least once a week) for head lice. Please let the school know if your child / children have head lice. Lotions and shampoos are readily available from your local pharmacy.
In accordance with the Educational Welfare Act the school has a duty to report any child who has missed 20 days or more in one academic year. The Principal has no discretion in this.